Undoing a bill run

You can use the Bill Run InfoViewer to undo a bill run as long as none of the bills in the run have reached their delinquent dates. Undoing a bill run is equivalent to reversing all bills in the run. Infor Public Sector will delete all records of the run from your database. To maintain an audit trail, you can also reverse a bill run.

See Reversing a bill.

  1. Load the run you want into the Bill Run InfoViewer.
    You access the Bill Run InfoViewer by clicking the Run # link for the bill run on any form that shows the link.
  2. Click Undo Bills in the upper right corner of the viewer.
    If bills have been posted, Infor Public Sector shows a dialog box asking if you want to keep an audit trail. If you click Yes, Infor Public Sector will reverse the run rather than undoing it. If you click No, or if bills haven't been posted, Infor Public Sector will delete all records of the run from your database. The Undo Bills link is only displayed if the run hasn't been reversed, and if none of the bills in the run have reached their delinquent dates.