Canceling and rebilling

If the data used to calculate past bills for an account has changed or is incorrect, you can roll back those bills and then create new ones based on the updated information. For example, you might find that the readings used were incorrect. When you rebill an account, Infor Public Sector also rolls back and recreates all transactions associated with the canceled bills, such as payments and penalties.

Note: If you cancel and recreate budgeted bills from a plan year that has already been settled, each new bill will be for the actual amount of the charges, not the budgeted amount. Because the original bills were for the budgeted amount, you must also add a manual adjustment for the amount of the variance.

If the plan year hasn’t been fully settled, Infor Public Sector will recreate bills for the budgeted amount as of the bill date, and add the variance to the cumulative amount that remains to be settled. If the plan has been settled, the account will already have been billed for the variance, so a manual adjustment is required.

  1. Select Billing > Manage Account.
  2. Load the account you want.
  3. On the Maintenance tab, under Bills, click Cancel/Rebill.
    You can also use the Cancel/Rebill link in the Quick Links panel on the Summary tab if that link is present.
  4. Specify the type of bill that you are recreating in the Bill Type field.
  5. Specify the billing period dates for which you want to cancel and rebill in the Billed From and To fields.
  6. Specify any other selection criteria for the bills you want to recreate, such as the account area or the billing cycle.
    If you want to estimate the amount of the adjustment that will result from the cancel/rebill process, click the Calculate Adjustment link. You can use the Calculate Adjustment link to preview the cancel/rebill process. Infor Public Sector will run through the entire process to calculate the amount of the adjustment, but the calculations are rolled back on completion. The adjustment amount is the difference between the total account balance before and after bills are recreated.
  7. When you're ready to cancel and rebill, click Generate Generate button.
    Infor Public Sector first reconciles the account to ensure that all available credits are applied. Infor Public Sector then loads each bill that matches your search criteria and checks it to ensure that it is eligible to be canceled and rebilled. To be eligible, a bill must be posted, must not have been reversed, and must not be in a pending state. Infor Public Sector then reverses each eligible bill.

    When creating new bills, Infor Public Sector sets each bill's bill date to the original bill date and uses the rate table that was active during the original billing period. However, Infor Public Sector uses the account attributes, such as the account class and billing cycle, from the current date. The associated adjustments, overpayments, discounts, penalties, etc. are then reapplied to the new bills.

    If the unpaid amount of a new bill is greater than the original unpaid amount, the due date and delinquent date are recalculated from the current date so the customer isn't already delinquent on a bill they haven't received yet. Similarly, if the penalty amount on the new bill is greater than for the original bill, Infor Public Sector creates an adjustment to subtract the difference.