Prorating Billing details
You can set up your Billing details to prorate charges when an account is not active for the entire period being billed. To prorate charges, Infor Public Sector typically divides the number of days an account was active by the number of days in a billing period or cycle. For example, if an account was active for 15 days out of a 30 day cycle, the account's charges would be prorated by 50%.
To prorate a Billing detail, select the Prorate check box when you create the detail. Infor Public Sector then shows the Prorate By list and the Final Cycle Days field. You can select one of two options from the Prorate By list.
- Billing Period Days: Charges will be prorated over the number of days a service was active during the billing period that is being billed.
- Cycle Days: Charges will be prorated over the number of days in a standard billing cycle.
When you select Cycle Days, Infor Public Sector shows the Cycle Days field. Use this field to specify the number of days in a standard cycle.
The Final Cycle Days field specifies the number of days to use when prorating charges over the last cycle of a closed account.
Prorating steps
For range consumption and range percentage details, you can prorate either the individual steps or the entire amount after the steps are added up. For these types of details, Infor Public Sector shows a Prorate Steps check box in addition to the Prorate check box. Select Prorate Steps to prorate the steps.
You should select either the Prorate check box or the Prorate Steps check box, but not both. If you select both, the charge will be prorated twice. Infor Public Sector will first prorate the steps, and then prorate the sum of the steps after they're added up.
Prorating range consumption details
For range consumption details, these additional check boxes are displayed when you select Prorate Steps:
- Overage: Select this check box to prorate overages. An overage occurs if the number of days in the service period being billed is greater than the number of days in the billing period. For example, if the service period is 36 days and the billing period is 30 days, then there is an overage of six days. If you prorate the overage, then a step of 100 units will be multiplied by 1.2 (36/30) to give a prorated step of 120 units. Thus 20 extra units are billed at this step.
- Prorate Cycle Bills: If you select this check box, Infor Public Sector will use an alternate method to prorate steps.
- Round to Integer: Select this check box to round the prorated step amounts to the nearest integer. Infor Public Sector calculates these values to four decimal places.