Knowledge base
The knowledge base is a local database of information specific to your organization. If your agency has purchased the Infor Public Sector Customer Service module, you can use the knowledge base to store descriptions of resources that might be required to provide information to a customer or pursue a service request investigation. Knowledge base entries can consist of HTML addresses, notes in plain text, and file paths for images and documents on your network. Each entry can include keywords describing the resource that others can use to locate the entry later.
The knowledge base stores information and resources that agency employees might require to do their jobs. Knowledge base entries can consist of HTML addresses, file paths for images and documents on your network, and notes in plain text.
For example, if a customer calls to report flooding, you can search the knowledge base for entries that will help in the investigation of this problem. Or if a customer who's creating a budget for his utility bills inquires about the average yearly water usage for a family of four, you can search the knowledge base for a file or website that contains that data.
To search the knowledge base:
Click the in the toolbar of any form that shows the button. Type one or more keywords
in the Search for field,
select a search style in the list, and click . You can search for entries whose
descriptions contain all of your keywords, any of your keywords, or the exact phrase
you type. Infor Public Sector shows a list of all entries
that match your keywords.
To view a knowledge base entry:
Click the entry in the list. The record opens in its appropriate file format, such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Imaging. Text entries are displayed in a dialog box.