Displaying a My Infor item

The My Infor Preferences box shows a list of items you can show on your home page, organized into a tree structure. The available items will vary depending on the modules your agency has purchased, your agency's My Infor configuration, and the items for which you've been granted access in Access Control.

  1. In My Infor, click the My Infor Preferences My Infor Preferences button button.
  2. In the My Infor Items tree, browse to the item you want to display.
  3. Select the check box for the item.
    If the item you select is a dashboard, Infor Public Sector automatically selects all the panels for that dashboard. You can deselect individual panels if you don't want to show all panels in My Infor.
  4. Click the name of the item in the My Infor Items tree to set the item's preferences.
    When you click an item node in the My Infor Items tree, the item's preferences are displayed on the right. For each item, Infor Public Sector shows at least two fields under Item Preferences: Title and Refresh Rate (minutes). The Refresh Rate field specifies the interval at which the item will be refreshed with new data. Some items also include additional preferences, as explained in the documentation for the specific items.
    You can also set an item's preferences in My Infor by clicking on the Settings button in the top right corner of the item and selecting Preferences.
  5. Click Save.