Recording an asset's revenue

An asset's revenue is any income that has been generated from the use of the asset by internal or external parties. Examples of revenue include convention hall fees, parking fees, park entrance fees, or rental fees for vehicles or equipment.

  1. Load the valuation you want into the Asset Valuation InfoViewer and click Edit.
  2. On the Revenue tab, click Add above the grid.
  3. Type a description of the source of revenue in the Description field.
  4. Specify the estimated number of revenue charges per year that you expect for the asset in the Estimated Annual Quantity field.
  5. Specify the unit of measure for the estimated annual quantity in the Quantity Unit of Measure field.
  6. Specify the amount for an individual revenue charge in the Charge Rate field.
  7. Specify any other revenue information required by your agency.
    Note:  Use the Annual Revenue field to record the actual amount of revenue generated by the asset for the year to date. To record the previous year's revenue, use the Previous Year Revenue field.
  8. Click Accept.
    Infor Public Sector adds the revenue information to the asset valuation record.
  9. Click Update.