Asset valuation movement data

Movement data shows changes in an asset valuation over time, such as changes in the asset's value due to depreciation or capital expenditures.

The data is stored in the ASSVALMOVEMENT table in the database. Each movement record shows changes in a specific valuation over a specific accounting period.

To generate movement data you can set up a Movement Data Creation task in the Batch Manager to add movement records at specified intervals. For each asset valuation that matches the task conditions, the task adds a movement record for each accounting period in which depreciation occurred. Infor Public Sector also adds movement records when you dispose assets, and when you change a valuation's acquisition date or initial cost in the Asset Valuation InfoViewer.

Note: You can use the Movement Data Delete task to delete movement records. If you want to recreate movement data for one or more accounting periods, you must first delete the existing records.

The Reports Manager includes an out-of-the-box Movement Detail report that you can use to display movement data in Lookup Asset Valuations.