Synchronizing asset types with Web Services

When you first add an asset type in Infor Public Sector, it will not be available in Web Services. This is because information on asset types is stored in both the database and the AssetManagement configuration in the Configuration Editor. Infor Public Sector and Web Services share the same database, but each has its own configuration files. To use an agency-defined asset type in Web Services, you must synchronize the AssetManagement configurations.

The simplest way to synchronize the configurations is to copy the AssetManagement configuration file from Infor Public Sector to Web Services. The file to copy is AssetManagement_Agency_[culture]_changes.config in the config\AssetManagement directory. For example, the United States version is AssetManagement_Agency_en-US_changes.config. To synchronize, copy this file from the Infor Public Sector directory to the same location in the Web Services directory.

You can overwrite the existing file, if one exists. You must also synchronize the config files after making any changes to an existing agency-defined asset type in Infor Public Sector.