Asset type associations
Associations are a key feature in Asset Management, because infrastructure assets are typically connected to each other in a network. When you create or modify an agency defined asset type, you can define the other asset types your asset type can be associated with. Assets can be associated in several different ways, such as indicating which asset types can be parents of an agency-defined asset type and which can be its children.
To define asset type associations, use the Associations tab in Create Asset Type or the Asset Type InfoViewer. You can define these these types of associations:
- The Parent Type list indicates in what relationship the asset type can be a parent of other asset types. For example, selecting Site from the list indicates that the asset type can serve as the site for other asset types. Note that the asset types that can be associated as children in this way must also be entered in the grid.
The options you can select from the Parent Type list depend on the class of your asset type. For network assets, there is only a single option: MainLine. For segment assets you can select StreetSeg or RailSegment, and for simple assets you can select Site, Intersection, Complex, ServiceLine, or UsageArea.
- The grid lists the other asset types your asset type can be associated with as a child.
- The Associated Assets tab of the agency asset's InfoViewer. Child assets can also be associated in other ways, depending on the option you select from the Parent Type list. grid, conversely, lists asset types that can be children of your asset type. In most cases this means the child asset types can be entered in the grid on the
- The grid is displayed for network assets, and lists the simple asset types that can serve as endpoints for a network asset.
- The grid is displayed for simple assets, and lists the network asset types for which the simple asset can serve as an endpoint.