Sample asset inspection index formulas
Inspection index formulas use the oAsset
object to set the value of a variable called IndexRating
. For more information and for sample code, click the Information tab in the Formula Editor.
For Defects Measured by Percentage:
This formula calculates an index for block cracking in a street segment. The formula is based on the severity and measurement of the block cracking (BLOCK) observation, which is measured as a percentage. The formula uses a slightly different calculation for each of three severities. "X" in each calculation is the measurement of the BLOCK defect:
- For LOW severity, the index = 0.0006X2 - 0.125X + 10
- For MED severity, the index = 0.0005X2 - 0.139X + 10
- For HIGH severity, the index = 0.0009X2 - 0.19X + 10
Note that this formula will only use the first BLOCK observation found in an inspection. to calculate an index based on multiple observations of the same type, a more complex formula would be required.
dim oInsp as Hansen.AssetManagement.Street.ISEGServiceInspection
dim TempRating as System.Double = 10
for each oInsp in oAsset.ServiceInspections
if inspkey = oInsp.PrimaryKey then
dim inspObs as
for each inspObs in oInsp.Observations
if inspObs.ObservationDefinition.ObservationCode = "BLOCK" then
dim Measurement as System.Double
Measurement = inspObs.Measurement
if Measurement = 0 then
TempRating = 10
Exit For
else if inspObs.ObservationSeverity.ObservationSeverity = "LOW" then
TempRating = (0.0006 * Measurement * Measurement)
- (.125 * Measurement) + 10
Exit For
else if inspObs.ObservationSeverity.ObservationSeverity = "MED" then
TempRating = (0.0005 * Measurement * Measurement)
- (.139 * Measurement) + 10
Exit For
else if inspObs.ObservationSeverity.ObservationSeverity = "HIGH" then
TempRating = (0.0009 * Measurement * Measurement)
- (.19 * Measurement) + 10
Exit For
end if
end if
If TempRating < 10 then
Exit For
end if
end if
If TempRating < 10 then
Exit For
end if
IndexRating = TempRating
For Defects Measured by Count:
This formula calculates an index for transverse cracking in a street segment. The formula is based on the severity and measurement of the transverse cracking (TRANS) observation. The formula uses a slightly different calculation for each of three severities. "X" in each calculation is the measurement of the TRANS defect:
- For LOW severity, the index = 9 - X
- For MED severity, the index = 7 - X
- For HIGH severity, the index = 5 - X
dim oInsp as Hansen.AssetManagement.Street.ISEGServiceInspection
dim TempRating as System.Double = 10
for each oInsp in oAsset.ServiceInspections
if inspkey = oInsp.PrimaryKey then
dim inspObs as
for each inspObs in oInsp.Observations
if inspObs.ObservationDefinition.ObservationCode = "TRANS" then
dim Measurement as System.Double
Measurement = inspObs.Measurement
if Measurement = 0 then
TempRating = 10
Exit For
else if inspObs.ObservationSeverity.ObservationSeverity = "LOW" then
TempRating = 9 - Measurement
Exit For
else if inspObs.ObservationSeverity.ObservationSeverity = "MED" then
TempRating = 7 - Measurement
Exit For
else if inspObs.ObservationSeverity.ObservationSeverity = "HIGH" then
TempRating = 5 - Measurement
Exit For
end if
end if
If TempRating < 10 then
Exit For
end if
end if
If TempRating < 10 then
Exit For
end if
IndexRating = TempRating