Defining an observation for an asset inspection type
When setting up an inspection type, you can define a list of the observations commonly found during that kind of inspection. An observation is a type of defect noted during an asset inspection, such as a radial crack or root intrusion found during a sewer main inspection. Sometimes, an observation may simply serve to note a change, such as in water flow or pavement roughness.
For each observation, you can define several severities. These are codes that represent the seriousness of a defect. For example, your agency might define three degrees of severity for a radial crack observation: Low, Medium, and Critical.
You can also add a formula to calculate a numerical observation rating in the Workflow Manager. For example, to calculate an observation rating for a sewer main inspection, you could add a formula to the BeforeAdd
event of the SMNServiceInspectionObservation
business object.