Asset Network Browser
The Asset Network Browser provides a visual representation of your sewer, storm, water, or industrial waste network. After you open an asset in the appropriate InfoViewer, you can access the browser by clicking the Open Network Browser.
button and selectingYou can then expand a node in the browser, such as a manhole or valve, to view the other mains or channels that are located downstream or upstream in the network. You can expand or collapse each main or channel individually to view as little or as much of the network as you like. The arrows in the browser indicate the direction of flow, and the color of the channel or mainline indicates the asset module it belongs to. You can click the "Asset ID" link under a main or channel, or click one of the assets that define the endpoints of a main or channel, to view more information about that asset in its InfoViewer.
After you’ve opened the Asset Network Browser, you can use the
button to create group projects and inspections for the mainlines. You can use the button to view maps of all mainlines as well as upstream and downstream mainlines in relation to other mainlines. Note that the Asset Network Browser is not available from every asset InfoViewer.