Creating a segment asset
- Select Asset Management > Assets > [Asset Module].
- On the correct asset type tab, under Asset Inventory, click Create.
- In the first field, specify the ID for the entity that the segment belongs to, such as a street ID for a street segment.
- In the Segment ID field, specify an ID for this specific segment.
Specify the asset's address and any other information about its
Using the address fields, you can specify an address, intersection, block, or range of addresses. You can provide additional information about the location in the Location field, such as directions to or a description of the address. Under Location Information, you can record information to further indicate the asset's location, such as the asset's map coordinates or the parcel that it is located on.
Provide any other information that is required to identify or
manage the asset.
Infor Public Sector shows different options depending on the type of asset that you're creating.
- Click Save.