Adding an address to a solid waste route
Begin to create or edit a solid waste route.
A Route Addresses grid is displayed at the bottom of the form. If you're editing a route, all addresses already added to the route are displayed in the grid.
- Under Route Addresses, click Add above the grid.
Enter search criteria at the top of the dialog box to locate the address you want to add to the route.
You can use the Load Street # list to specify whether you want all addresses or just those located on one side of the street.
Click Search.
Infor Public Sector shows a list of the addresses that match your search criteria.
Select all the addresses you want to add to the route and click Append to Route.
If the addresses are in no other routes, Infor Public Sector adds them to the current route. If an address is in another route, a dialog box is displayed indicating which route the address is in and giving you the option of transferring the address from that route to the current one, leaving the address in its current route and adding the remaining selected addresses, or canceling the process. Click the appropriate link. The search dialog box stays open so you can perform other searches.Note: To select multiple addresses, you can click individual addresses, hold down the SHIFT key and click the first and last addresses in a range, or click Select All to select all addresses in the grid. To deselect addresses, click highlighted addresses or click Clear All.
When you're finished adding addresses, click Close.
Infor Public Sector adds the appended addresses to the Route Addresses grid, after any existing addresses. Infor Public Sector assigns index and sequence number to the new addresses according to the order in which they were added. You can also click Transfer Addresses to Another Route to move an address to a different route.Note: You can now reorder addresses so that the route's addresses are serviced in the most efficient order. You can also assign your own sequence numbers to addresses in the route, either as a group when you edit sequence numbers or individually when you edit an address.