Entering recurring costs for a life cycle analysis

Note: Entering recurring costs will overwrite any costs that have already been recorded for the same years. However, this only affects the years for which you’re entering the costs. For example, if you enter recurring costs for every even year, any existing costs for the even years will be overwritten. The costs for the odd years won’t be touched.
  1. Open a life cycle analysis in the Life Cycle Analysis InfoViewer.
  2. In the Scenarios grid, click a scenario name in the Name column to open the scenario in the Scenario InfoViewer.
  3. In the Cost Groups grid, click a cost group name in the Name column to open the cost group. The cost group opens in the Cost Group InfoViewer.
  4. In the Cost Items grid, select the cost item for which you’re entering recurring costs.
  5. Click Action, and select Enter Recurring Costs.
  6. Specify this information:
    Specify the projected amount of the recurring cost.
    Specify the first year for which you want to enter the recurring cost.
    Start Year
    Specify the year the recurring cost will start.
    Number of Years
    Specify the number of years over which the cost will recur.
    Specify the interval, in years, at which the cost recurs. For example, if you enter two, the cost will be recorded every other year.
    Cost Increase Per Year
    Specify the percentage by which the cost is expected to increase each year. For example, if you enter an annual cost of $500.00 and a cost increase of 5%, Infor Public Sector will enter $500.00 for the first year of the recurring cost, $525.00 for the second year, $551.25 for the third year, and so on.
    Note: Even if you do not enter recurring costs for every year, the percentage increase is calculated annually. In the example above, if the recurring cost is recorded every other year, the cost for the third year of the scenario will still be $551.25 even though no cost is recorded for the second year.
  7. Click Save.
    Recurring costs are added to the Cost Items grid and the net present value of each cost is calculated. The sum of the costs’ net present values is displayed in the NPV column. The Total column shows the total actual amount of the costs.