Adding segment definitions

  1. On the Create Risk Event Type page, click the popup button to the right of the Segment Definition field.
    The Lookup Asset Segment popup opens. You can select an existing segment definition from the grid, or you can add a new one.
  2. To add a new segment definition, click Add above the Asset Segment Definitions grid.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the segment definition.
    Enter a description of the segment definition.
    If you want to set a maximum length for your segments, specify the value, and select the unit of measure from the Unit list.
    In the grid, specify your segmentation criteria.

    First, select a linear asset type, such as Roadway, from the Asset Type list. You can then select the feature type that you want to use for segmentation from the Feature Type list. To further limit the features to be used, you can also specify a feature in the Feature field.

    For example, if you select Element from the Feature Type list, you can then enter a specific element type in the Feature field, such as Guardrail or Median.

  4. Click Save.