Adding a result node to a decision model

  1. Load the decision model you want into the Decision Model InfoViewer.
    To open the Decision Model InfoViewer, click Lookup Decision Models on the Asset Analysis page. Then look up the decisions model that you want to work with and click the link in the Name column to open the InfoViewer.
  2. Right-click the decision node that you want to precede your result node and select Add Result.
  3. Specify this information:
    Enter a name for the node.
    Enter a description of the node.
    Result Activities
    Add one or more activities to the grid:
    1. Click Add above the Result Activities grid.
    2. Specify this information:
      Activity Type
      Enter the activity to be performed.
      Benefit Formula
      Enter a formula to calculate the benefit of performing the activity.
      Enter a formula to calculate the cost of performing the activity.
      Target Year Formula
      Enter a formula to calculate the year in which the activity should be performed.
    3. Click Save.
  4. Click Save.