Needs analysis reports
Reports are visual representations of your agency's asset needs analysis information. You can create reports to compare and present funding scenarios and asset analysis data. The reports will help your agency in the decision making process to determine the final budget.
You can create these types of reports for asset needs analysis:
Present condition report
A present condition report is a bar chart that reflects the current condition of a specified group of assets. Each bar in the chart represents the portion of assets that are in that condition range.
Target year distribution report
A target year distribution report is a bar chart that reflects when assets will hit the target year for maintenance activities based on the results of a needs analysis run. This chart shows a bar for each year in the time period covered by the needs analysis run. You can specify whether the report is shown based upon the number of activities to be performed, or by the cost required to fund all activities for each year.
Needs analysis priority report
A needs analysis priority report is a tabular report that shows all the selected activities in the order of the target year and descending order of the benefit/cost.