Configuring the food delivery method and order completed screen

  1. To open the Food Delivery Method window, tap Food Delivery Method.
  2. In the Method section, tap one of these options:
    • Customer picks up by: Requires the guest to pick up their order when complete.
    • Deliver to Customer: Informs the guest that their order is subject for delivery when complete.
    • Other (Custom Message): Enables a custom message for the food delivery method.
  3. If Customer picks up by is selected, complete these steps:
    1. Tap one of these options:
      • Order Number: Generates an order number for the guest on the order completed screen.
      • Guest Name: Enables the Guest Name field on the order completed screen.
      • Pager Number: Enables the Pager Number field on the order completed screen.
      • SMS Alert (Text Message): Enables the Mobile Number field on the order completed screen. When an order is completed, a text message is sent to the guest informing them their order is ready for pickup. Said text message is sent by an integrated third party QSR kitchen display system (KDS).
    2. In the Final Screen section, specify this information:
      Specify the heading that is displayed on the order completed screen.
      Specify the subheading that is displayed on the order completed screen.
  4. If Deliver to Customer is selected, complete these steps:
    1. Tap one of these options:
      • Require Table #, Tent Card #, or Seat #: Enables the field for specifying the required information on the order completed screen.
      • Require Table Name: Enables the Table Name field on the order completed screen.
    2. In the Required Info Screen section, specify this information:
      Specify the heading that is displayed on the order completed screen.
      Specify the subheading that is displayed on the order completed screen.
      Field Label
      Specify the name of the field displayed on the order completed screen. For example, Table Number.
  5. If Other (Custom Message) is selected, in the Final Screen section, specify this information:
    Specify the heading that is displayed on the order completed screen.
    Specify the subheading that is displayed on the order completed screen.
  6. Tap DONE.