Modifying the clock time record of an employee

  1. In the Clock Times page, locate the row of the clock time record you will change.
  2. Specify this information:
    Clock In
    In the Clock In section, specify the adjusted time in HH:MM format and use the calendar to select the clock in date.
    Clock Out
    In the Clock Out section, specify the adjusted time in HH:MM format and use the calendar to select the clock out date. Optionally, to delete a clock in and clock out record, specify the clock out time with the same value as the clock in time.
  3. Click Save Changes.
  4. Optionally, in the Edit Clock Times section, specify this information:
    Clock In
    In the Clock In section, specify the adjusted time in HH:MM format and use the calendar to select the clock in date.
    Clock Out
    In the Clock Out section, specify the adjusted time in HH:MM format and use the calendar to select the clock out date. Optionally, to delete a clock in and clock out record, specify the clock out time with the same value as the clock in time.
  5. Click Save Changes.