Types of reports

This table shows the types of reports you can generate using Infor POS Enterprise Manager:
Name Description
Sales and Operations Describes the sales of a revenue center.
Accounting Export Describes financial information of a revenue center accessible by an accounting system.
Labor Report Describes labor information by employees, tips, and job codes.
Product Sales Mix Export Describes product sales of menu items.
Tenders Report Describes the amount tendered based on type including amount of change and tips.
Waste Tracking Report Describes information on wasted menu items.
Daily Close Day Period Report Describes sales and operational information of a business day.
Order Type Report Describes the sales based on the order type.
Weekly Close Day Period Report Describes sales and operational information of a week.
Comparative Sales Report Describes the monthly, weekly, and daily sales from two different years.
Cashout Report Describes transactional information per employee or revenue center.
Comparative Labor Report Describes labor costs of the same month from two different years.
Consolidated Cashout Report EM Describes transactional summary information per employee or revenue center.
Employee Sales Mix EM Describes the menu items sold per employee.
Employee Tips Report Describes tips per employee and revenue center.
Enhanced Ops by Meal Period Export Describes sales, including tender breakdown and guest count, per meal period per revenue center.
Operations by Serving Period Report Describes gross sales per serving period.
Operations by Meal Period Report Describes sales per meal period per revenue center.
Sales by Serving Period Report Describes the sales per serving period or by overall serving period.
Comparative Labor By Hours Report Describes employee payment information of the same month from two different years.
Menu Item Report Describes the menu items sold per revenue center.
Executive Desktop Describes gross sales and the number of closed checks and guests.
Day Parts Report Describes the menu items sold during the different parts of a day.
POS ID Information Describes employee information of a revenue center.
Event Log Report Describes event information of a revenue center.
Journal Export Describes check-related actions of an employee in a specific day.
Menu Item Export Describes product information of menu items.
Theoretical Costs Report Describes costs incurred by menu items.