Check view panel

The check view panel shows information for checks, guests, tables, and menu items. If the item contextual functions menu is enabled, you can access these buttons in the check view panel:
Button Description
Delete Removes a menu item in a check.
Modify Adds a modifier to a menu item.
Hold Prevents a menu item from being sent when a check is sent to the kitchen.
Remove Hold Removes the hold status of a menu item.
Repeat Repeats an order of a menu item in a check.
Tax Override Removes tax on non-taxable menu items or changes the current tax rate.
Move to Moves a menu item, discount, or card payment tender in a check to another check. This button is displayed when there is more than one check in the check view panel.
Share with Shares the cost of a menu item between the selected checks. This button is displayed when there is more than one check in the check view panel.
Unshare Removes the sharing of a shared menu item between the selected checks. This button is displayed when there is a shared menu item between the selected checks.