Specifying order types

Order types are course menu items served in a specific order. Order types are accessed in Infor POS. Also, order type information is used in the Order Type Report in Infor POS Enterprise Manager.

By default, 10 order types are available for specifying course menu items from C0 through C9. Use the order types to specify properties of the course menu items and indicate their serving order. For example, use C1 through C9 to indicate the serving order of a course menu item. Optionally, use C0 to indicate a menu item served is not part of the course.

  1. Select Configuration > Touchscreen > Change Order Types.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of the course menu item.
    Specify the label of the course menu item printed by the kitchen printer.
    Printer Text
    Specify the text printed on a receipt.
    After an order type button in Infor POS is tapped, specify the touchscreen menu that is displayed.
    Select this check box to enable the order type in the selected revenue center.
  3. Click Save Changes.