Exporting ledger transactions
- On the sidebar, select General Ledger Interface > Transaction Export.
- Specify this information:
- Report Only
- Select this option if only reports are required.
- Update and Report
- Select this option to perform these tasks:
- Create the flat transaction file or files
- Remove the processed transactions from the core transaction file and transfer to the core transaction recovery file
- Produce the reports nominated
- Select this check box to enable the Export Format field.
- Export Format
- Specify the name of the export format being used to generate the flat transaction file. Optionally, you can click the search icon to search for an existing export format. See the information about export format in Query User Guide.
- The Export File field is automatically populated when the export format is selected. You can manually override the value on this field.
- Bank Deposits Extract
- Select this check box to update the bank deposits file (CFIBDEP) with the actual bank deposits, split by banking reference and bank account.
- If you are not using the bank deposits extract function, then clear this check box.
- Detailed Transaction Report
- Select this check box to produce a transaction report containing every source
transaction regardless of the consolidation options selected.Note: We recommend that you select this check box. Printing the report is not required.
- Sort Order
- Specify the order in which the transactions show on the detailed transaction report.
- Unprocessed Transaction Report
- Select this check box to ensure that the transactions posted at the same time the export or report is running are not included in the report. This setting only provides the exceptions on transactions where the creation date is less than the system date.
- Bank Account Transactions - Banking Reference Consolidation
- Select an option to determine the level of consolidation required on bank account transactions. See Banking reference consolidation.
- Consolidated Transaction Report
- Select this check box to produce a transaction report, which is a direct reflection of the accounts written to the flat output file. We recommend that you select this check box. Printing the report is not required.
- Sort Order
- Specify the order in which the transactions show on the consolidated transaction report.
- General Account Transactions - Applications to Consolidate
- Specify a subsystem or subsystems to consolidate their transactions. See Banking reference consolidation and Applications to consolidate.
- Posting Periods - Assigned
- Specify the posting periods that have transactions reported or exported. By default, select the Select All option.
- Submission - Description
- Provide a description for the job. You can also specify when to run the job.
- Printer
- Specify the printer to be used for printing reports. You can print on any device when you print a web page.
- Print Header Page
- Select this check box to include the header page when printing.
- Add to My Reports
- Select this check box to add the report in the My Reports grid in the Home screen.
- E-mail Report
- Select this check box to display the User E-mail Recipients and External E-mail Recipients grids. You can use these grids to send an email of the report to the specified recipients.
- Click Submit.