Creating a financial account allocation report

  1. On the sidebar, select General Ledger Interface > Financial Account Allocation Report.
  2. Specify this information:
    All Modules
    Select this check box to run the report for all modules. By default, this check box is selected. You can clear this check box and select each module in the Selected Modules grid.
    Processing Options
    Select the check box in one of the options to produce the report, export to CSV, or both.
    Optionally, you can select the Include Project Codes check box where applicable to council.
    Export Format
    Specify the required export format (CRPFI07) to be used if you are exporting the report to CSV. You can also click the search icon to select an existing export format.
    You must define the export format in the Query Parameters options using the CRPFI07 entity.
    Provide a description for the job. You can also specify when to run the job.
    Specify the printer to be used for printing reports. You can print on any device when you print a web page.
    Print Header Page
    Select this check box to include the header page when printing.
    Add to My Reports
    Select this check box to add the report in the My Reports grid in the Home screen.
    E-mail Report
    Select this check box to show the User E-mail Recipients and External E-mail Recipients grids. You can use these grids to send an email of the report to the specified recipients.
  3. Click Submit.