Refund transaction export

This table shows the available fields when defining a refund export:
Field Description Sample data - Rates Sample data - Applications
TPKCRPFI08 Primary Key 1 2
U_VERSION Update Version ! !
TFKCBTSJOB Run Number 123456 123456
CREDITNUM Credit Number 999999 999999
FKCSYAPPL Application Code LRA LAP
APPLLEVEL Application Level DA/BAINT (Class/Type)
APPLREF Application Reference 14000(4) DA/408/2000
TFKAPPL Application TFK 61510 181488
ACCOUNT Account Code Refund Clearing Account(LRA) Refund Clearing Account (LAP)
FMTNAME Refund Recipient Fmt Name Mrs Amanda Morris Mrs Amanda Morris
REFAMOUNT Transaction Amount 150.00 55.00
REFTEXT Refund Text Refund Rates Overpayment Refund Administration Fee
REFDATE Refund Date 29-Oct-20 (Date refund specified) 29-Oct-20 (Date refund specified)
CRTDATETIM Create Date/Time 29-Oct-20 (Date output into cfirfnd) 29-Oct-20 (Date output into cfirfnd)
REFRCPT1SN Refund Recipient One Surname Citizen Citizen
REFRCPT1GN Refund Recipient One Given Names 1 John Adam John
REFRCPT2SN Refund Recipient Two Surname Citizen
REFRCPT2GN Refund Recipient Two Given Names Jane
REFRCPT3SN Refund Recipient Three Surname 3
REFRCPT3GN Refund Recipient Three Given Names
ADDRESS1 Mail Address Line 1 208 Greenhill Road 208 Greenhill Road
ADDRESS2 Mail Address Line 2 Eastwood SA 5162 Eastwood SA 5162
ADDRESS3 Mail Address Line 3
ADDRESS4 Mail Address Line 4
ADDRESS5 Mail Address Line 5
EXPREVFLAG Exported Later Rev Flag Exported Flag (T/F, 1/0) Exported Flag (T/F, 1/0)

The mailing address is the address details for the CIF 0 refund recipient role of the first sequenced name.

You can use the exported flag to determine whether a refund that is being reversed is already exported.