
You can set up and maintain these items for GL type receipts:
  • General ledgers
  • Transaction posting periods
  • Project codes
  • Receipting default bank accounts

You can use the Ledger Maintenance form to set up general ledger codes. Any account held in the Core General Ledger module must relate to one of the company or ledger records. The reference to company or ledger does not relate to companies that form part of the account number and that are used as business units. If multiple business units or companies are used and inter-company transactions generated, then they are considered as one company or ledger.

A separate company or ledger is required only if a complete and separate chart of accounts is in use and financial postings do not cross between multiple charts. This is the only method to establish general ledger codes. You can create a new ledger code or use an existing code.

Before importing general ledger accounts, the general ledger code must exist.