Pop-ups are used where the user is required to select from a predetermined list of values. For example, Land Use in the Property module.
If the Land Use code is known, specify the value directly into the field.
For example, specify 117 in the Approved Land Use field. To display the description of the Land Use code, press Tab.
Optionally, you can use a wildcard.
For example, specify 1* in the Land Use Code field. To display the pop-up window, press Tab.
The search results show all matched entries. When you click an entry, it is returned to the field.
If the code is not known, you can click the Search button.
The full list of values is then displayed.
You can partially specify a value through any of the filter fields in the Actual Land Use pop-up window. Additional operands are available. The default operand is Contains. For example, specifying House in the Description filter and pressing Enter returns Guest House, Terrace House, and other land use descriptions containing the word House.
Navigate through the result set using navigation buttons in the lower part of the window.
Your default setting for the number of records to be displayed in a pop-up is displayed next to the navigation buttons. You can change this value temporarily through the drop-down arrow.
The number of records returned is available in the window, until you navigate to the last page.