Tax setup recommendations

You must set the tax parameters to the recommended settings for Australia and New Zealand.


This table shows the recommended values for Australian sites.

Set overpayment in Property, Debtors, Licensing, Applications, and Infringements modules to Taxable=NO. Tax is not payable and the standard Non-Taxable Type is not required for overpayment.

Option Value
Rounding Closest
Rounding Amount .01

These values are important for sites that have a Tax Calculation within the export function. For example: Finance One, Peoplesoft, Computron sites.

Only one Tax Code is required for all Accrual modules and all Cash modules. This table shows the recommended Tax Code for Accrual modules setup:

Option Value
Tax Accrual Appropriate Tax Collection Account
Tax Accrual Reversal Suspense Tax Account
Tax Cash Account Suspense Tax Account

This table show the recommended Tax Code for Cash modules parameters setup:

Option Value
Tax Accrual Suspense Tax Account
Tax Accrual Reversal Suspense Tax Account
Tax Cash Account Appropriate Tax Collection Account

Assuming Tax Rate is always 10%. For 1/2 Tax (5%), split the invoices using taxable Debt Type and non-taxable Debt Type to form the Total Invoice value.

New Zealand

This table shows the recommended values for New Zealand sites.

Set overpayment in Property, Debtors, Licensing, Applications, and Infringements modules to Taxable=YES. Tax is payable for overpayment.

Option Value
Rounding Closest
Rounding Amount .01

It is important to set these values in sites that have a Tax Calculation within the export function. For example: Finance One, Peoplesoft, Computron sites.

A separate Tax Code for overpayment is required. Only one Tax Code is required for all modules.

This table shows the recommended values for Tax Code for modules:

Option Value
Tax Accrual Accrual Suspense Tax Account
Tax Accrual Reversal Accrual Suspense Tax Account
Tax Cash Account Appropriate Cash Tax Collection Account

This table shows the recommended Tax Code for overpayment setup:

Option Value
Tax Accrual Overpayment Tax Suspense Account
Tax Accrual Reversal Overpayment Tax Suspense Account
Tax Cash Account Appropriate Overpayment Tax Collection Account