Recording Infomart and Pathway database details

Recording the details of Infomart and Pathway databases must only be set up once. These details are then used to populate data from Pathway to Infomart during the rebuild process.
  1. On the sidebar, select System Administration > Infomart > Parameters > System Parameters.
    The DBMS details show the DBMS type, DBMS description, and the database version.
    We do not recommend modifying these fields:
    • DBMS Details - Executable String
    • DBMS Details - Wait Time in Hours
    • DBMS Details - Global Names (Oracle only)
  2. Specify this information:
    Working Directory
    Optionally, specify the directory where the temporary work files are created. The default value is Pathway environment working directory.
    Infomart Server Name
    Specify the database server name for Infomart. Double quotes are not required when specifying a server name with a back slash.
    Infomart Database Name
    Specify the Infomart database name.
    Infomart MSS Login Name
    Specify the Infomart database user ID.
    Infomart MSS Login Password
    Specify the password for the Infomart user ID. Verify your password in the Confirm Password field.
    Infomart Database User
    Specify the value of the schema name used, which is usually the same as the user ID. The default value for MSS is INFODBO.
    Pathway Database Global Name (Oracle only)
    Specify the Oracle Listener name for the Infomart database used in the tnsnames.ora file. This value exists in your Oracle Infomart database, which you can access using this script:
    SELECT * FROM global_name ;
    This field is only available for an Oracle database.
    Pathway Server Name
    Specify the database server name for Pathway. Double quotes are not required when specifying a server name with a back slash.
    Pathway Database Name
    Specify the Pathway database name.
    Pathway MSS Login Name
    Specify the Pathway database user ID.
    Pathway MSS Logon Password
    Specify the password for the Pathway user ID. Verify your password in the Confirm Password field.
    Pathway Database User
    Specify the value of the schema name used, which is usually the same as the user ID. The default value for MSS is PTHDBO.
  3. To test the connection to the database, click Test Connection.
    These connections are tested:
    • Your PC to the Infomart database
    • Your PC to the Pathway database
    • Infomart database link to Pathway database
    You must install MSSQL or ORACLE on your PC to perform this test.
  4. Click Save.