Email templates with merge fields
When using merge fields in email templates, take note of these information:
- Merge fields in the Subject text are correctly replaced from opening to closing double left curly bracket with Pathway data in messages based on the template. The field is replaced whether it is at the far left, far right, or somewhere in the middle of the Subject text.
- Merge fields in the message (plain body) text are correctly replaced with Pathway data in messages based on the template and displayed anywhere within the message text.
- Merge fields in the HTML Body text are correctly replaced with Pathway data in messages based on the template.
- When Pathway data is replacing a merge field in an email template’s HTML Body text, special characters are converted to the equivalent HTML character entities. For example, a less-than sign is converted to < (as evidenced by the correct appearance of less-than signs in HTML messages based on the template).
- Carriage returns in Pathway data are converted to <br> tags, providing an HTML line break. This happens when a merge field is being replaced with Pathway data in an email template’s HTML Body text. This is shown by the correct appearance of, for example, multi-line address fields in HTML messages based on the template.
- Merge fields representing CWP metadata, such as Doc_Addressee_SalCon, are correctly replaced with Pathway data in messages based on templates containing such merge fields.
- Incorrectly specified merge fields with invalid field code syntax are ignored, and considered part of the message text.
- Merge fields with an unknown field name return a value of “*** Unknown field: field_name ***”.
- Triple left curly bracket combinations are converted to double left curly bracket combinations in the final message text.