Maintaining customer profiles

  1. On the sidebar, select System Administration > Customer Profile Parameters > Customer Profile Maintenance.
  2. To create a new customer profile, click New.
  3. To manage an existing customer profile, specify this information:
    Company Name or Surname
    Specify the company name or surname of the link name and address record.
    Given Names
    Specify the given name of the link name and address record.
    Role Type
    Select a role type to filter the search results.
  4. Click Search.
  5. On the Results panel, select a record.
  6. Specify this information:
    Customer Name
    This field shows the name of the selected record. Optionally, you can click the search icon to select a different customer name and maintain an existing customer name. You can also click the show details icon to access the Personal Name Summary form.
    This field shows the company name of the selected record. Optionally, you can click the search icon to select a different company name and maintain an existing company name. You can also click the show details icon to access the Company Name Summary form.
    Customer Type
    Specify the customer type to be assigned to the customer from the defined list of customer types. Optionally, you can click the search icon to select an existing customer type.
    Select this check box to set the customer name as active.
    Customer Default Attribute Values
    Specify the default attribute values for the customer profile in this grid. For example, click the search icon in the Delivery Method field to specify the default delivery method.
    Customer Functions
    Specify the application types that the user is authorised to lodge in this grid. For example, click the detail button in the Types field to assign application types to the ePathway Application Lodgement function.
  7. Click Save.