Audit enquiry

If a particular entity or form in an application is specified as audit-enabled within the auditing parameters, then an audit log is created for this entity including any fields within it. These fields are specified in the parameters.

Auditing is also available within each application.

You can use the Audit Enquiry form to view details of any create, update, or delete actions within the fields of this entity. Only fields that have been audit-enabled through the parameters are listed on this form.

A before image for table row updates is automatically captured in the auditing system. This happens when the previous before image does not match the initial database column values before performing the update.

When a row of a table being audited is updated, a test is performed to determine whether the previous before image contained within the audit log is identical to the database column values before modification.

If a previous before image does not exist or there is any variation between the previous before image and the actual database table content, then a new before image is automatically created.

An after image is always created that contains the modified column values.