Running an audit set report

You must run the audit set report periodically using the standard end of day scheduling.

  1. On the sidebar, select Auditing > Audit Set Report.
  2. In the Results panel, select CNAIDTY - Name.
  3. Click Select.
  4. Specify this information:
    Audit Set
    Specify a previously defined audit set. For example, specify Name and Address.

    By default, the current date without a time is displayed in the Previous Report field if no report has been previously produced. Otherwise, the date and time at which the report was previously produced is displayed by default.

    Name Key
    Specify a name key that is displayed on the personal and company name maintenance forms.

    The report produced only contains database updates that affect this name.

    From Previous Report
    Select this check box if a report is required for all database changes since the last report.

    To apply this setting, you must produce a report to provide an initial starting point.

    Date Range
    Specify the date range to filter the database updates that happened between the two dates.
    These fields are enabled if the From Previous Report check box is cleared.
    Specify an action to only include records based on the action in the report.
    Job Type
    Select the type of job performed the database modifications:
    • Interactive: Eliminate the thousands of updates that would have been reported after a name, address, or name and address rebuild function is performed.
    • Batch
    • (All)
    You can use this field to limit the report to only show database modifications that were performed by interactive or batch jobs.
    Report Type
    Select the report to produce:
    • Detail: Produce a comprehensive report of the Name and Address database updates and the names that were affected.
    • Summary: Produce a compressed list of the names that have been modified or have had subordinate entities modified.

      For example, if a new role linkage is added to a name, then the name is reported regardless of whether the name itself was modified.

    • Summary and Detail
    Provide a description for the job. You can also specify when to run the job.
    Specify the printer to be used for printing reports. You can print on any device when you print a web page.
    Print Header Page
    Select this check box to include the header page when printing.
    Add to My Reports
    Select this check box to add the report in the My Reports grid in the Home screen.
  5. Click Submit.