Audit set report

You can use the audit set report function to report database modifications across a set of related tales as a single unit.

You can define audit set for the Bookings or Name and Address Register module. You can use this audit set to report database modifications that affect a single name, multiple names, or both.

These examples show database modifications:
  • A phone number modification affects a single name.

    The details of the modification to the phone number and the name that was affected are included in the audit set report.

  • A surname modification affects a single name and all the role linkages for the name.

    The details of the modification to the surname and all the role linkages that were affected are included in the audit set report.

  • An address modification can affect many names.
    The audit set report includes these details:
    • Modification to the address and all the names that use the address as a default address
    • All the names that have a role linkage that use the address as an override
  • A personal name title modification can affect many names.

    The details of the modification to the personal name title and all names that use the personal name title are included in the audit set report.

The audit set report function does not capture any additional information into the audit table (CAUAUDT), but is reliant on all name and address entities being audited.

This function consists of the Audit Set Maintenance and Audit Set Report menu options.