Exporting debtor receipt transactions

  1. On the sidebar, select Accounts Receivable Interface > Transaction Export.
  2. Specify this information:
    Ledger - From/Ledger - To
    Specify ledger accounts to be exported.
    Receipt date range
    Specify the date range to export individual days separately. To ensure that all receipts are exported, leave this blank.
    Sort Order
    Specify the sort order. You can select one of these options:
    • Debtor ID
    • Receipt Number
    • Cashier ID/Receipt Number
    Job Type
    Specify the job type. You can select one of these options:
    • Report Only: Select this check box if a report only is required. Debtor Transaction data is not deleted.
    • Update and Report: Select this check box to produce a report and delete the Debtor Transaction data.
    Export Format
    Specify the export format.
    Export File
    Specify the export file name, if required.
    Provide a description for the job. You can also specify when to run the job.
    Specify the printer to be used. You can print on any device when you print a web page.
    Print Header Page
    Select this check box to include the header page when printing.
    Add to My Reports
    Select this check box to add the report in the My Reports grid in the Home screen.
    E-mail Report
    Select this check box to display the User E-mail Recipients and External E-mail Recipients grids. You can use these grids to send an email of the report to the specified recipients.
  3. Click Submit.