Accordion pane

The accordion pane is on the side of the screen.

The hamburger icon is represented by the three bars. You can click the hamburger icon to show or hide the accordion pane.

This table shows the pages that are available on the accordion pane:

Page Description
Pages menu Access the Drafts, Published, and Archived pages.
Drafts Create new projects and edit the projects that you have created.
Published View the deployed projects and projects to be deployed in Infor OS Portal Widget Catalog, and replace deployed widgets with a new version.
Archived View and republish archived projects.
Data Services Create new data services and edit the data services that you have created.
Context Messages Create new context message objects and view the context message objects that you have created.
Translations Create new translatable strings and edit the translatable strings that you have created.
Tags Access the Application and Package pages.
Application Create application tags or select system-defined tags while you create or edit pages or data services.

You must have the IAD-Designer or the Infor-SystemAdministrator role to access this page.

Package Assign package tags to selected resources in App Designer.

You must have the IAD-Publisher or the Infor-SystemAdministrator role to access this page.