Updating a deployed widget

  1. On the Pages > Published page, locate your project.
    Note: Your project has the Update Available button. You can click this button or perform the next steps.
  2. Click the Actions menu or ellipses for the project.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. On the Settings > Information tab, perform these steps:
    1. Specify the new name and description of the widget.
    2. Click Change Version.
    3. In the Pick Version dialog box, select a version.
    4. Click OK.
  5. On the Preview tab, review the changes.
  6. Click Save.
  7. On the Pages > Published page, click the Actions menu or ellipses for the project.
  8. Select Update.
  9. In the Update Page dialog box, click Update.
    A new version detected message is displayed.
  10. Click Deploy.
    Note: If you do not click Deploy, a warning icon is displayed in the widget. This icon means that the deployed version of the widget does not match the published version. To deploy the updates to your published widget, in the Actions menu of your project, select Update.
The changes are automatically applied to the widgets that are displayed in the OS Portal Widget Catalog and to the widgets that are deployed into a workspace.