Delivery ticket
One delivery ticket is created per receipt, per delivery location. The delivery ticket is a paper report that is delivered to the recipient. The delivery ticket contains all item details, such as the tracking number (large and also in barcode), date/time, company, requisition number, purchase order number, requestor, requested delivery date, from company, from location, vendor, and delivery location. The tracking number is printed as both a barcode and as a readable string on the delivery ticket. Delivery label can still be used for Putaway process after the delivery has been completed.
The delivery ticket is printed automatically when PO Receipt data is sent from FSM or Infor Lawson. You can reprint delivery tickets if a duplicate is required for any reason.
If a third-party Warehouse Management System (WMS) is used for picking and is interfaced to FSM or Infor Lawson Warehouse Batch Feedback, then delivery tickets may be printed in either the WMS or MSCM.