Picking shipments in Android

  1. On the RAD Home page, tap the Menu button. The RAD sidebar panel is displayed.
  2. Tap Picking. The Select Shipment screen is displayed.
  3. To Change an Inventory Company:
    1. Tap the More Options button.
    2. Tap Change Inventory Company. The Change Inventory Company page is displayed.
    3. Select the company:
      1. Tap the company from the list.
      2. Optionally, search for a company by specifying the company details on the search field.

        Tap the company you searched for.

  4. To Change Location:
    1. Tap the More Options button.
    2. Tap Change Location. The Change Location page is displayed.
    3. Select the location:
      1. Tap the location from the list.
      2. Optionally, search for a location by specifying the location details on the search field.

        Tap the location you searched for.

  5. To Change Location Type:
    1. Tap the More Options button.
    2. Tap Change Location Type. The Change Location Type page is displayed.
    3. Select the location type:

      Tap the location type from the list.

  6. To Change Assign Status:
    1. Tap the More Options button.
    2. Tap Change Assign Status. The Change Assign Status page is displayed.
    3. Select the assign status:
      1. Tap the assign status from the list.
  7. To Change Requested By:
    1. Tap the More Options button.
    2. Tap Change Requested By. The Change Requested By page is displayed.
    3. Tap Company row:
      1. Tap company from the list.
    4. Tap Location row:
      1. Tap location from the list.
    5. Tap Check button.
  8. Select the shipment(s) to download by tapping the shipment check box(es) or by scanning the shipment bar code(s) that were printed from FSM through IDM.
  9. Tap Download.
    Note: Tap the icon on the right side of the shipment to view additional information.
  10. Tap shipment or scan a shipment bar code printed from FSM through IDM. The Pick Details screen is displayed.
  11. Optionally, tap ADJUST.
    1. Perform adjustment on the item.
    2. Tap the Adjust button to proceed to the adjustment review screen.
    3. Tap Done.
    4. Tap Send to proceed with the adjustment and go back to the Issues - Item Details screen.
    5. Slide down the screen to reflect the adjusted Available SOH of the item.
    6. Optionally, perform another adjustment as needed.
  12. Specify this information:

    Specify or scan the tracking number.

    Specify or scan the tracking number and add the pulled quantity.


    Specify the serial number.

    Specify the serial number and tracking number.


    Specify or scan the bin.

    Specify or scan the bin and tracking number.


    Specify the lot.

    Specify the lot, sub lot, expiration date and tracking number or tap the lookup button beside the lot text field and choose lot, sub lot and expiration date.


    Specify the UOM.

    Specify the UOM and pulled quantity.

    Note: The list of valid UOMs is from either the Item Location UOM or the Item Master UOM depending on the setup at the backoffice.
    Note:  Split the line item by clicking the split icon to specify multiple item information.
  13. On Split Quantity, select UDI if item is UDI tracked.
  14. Specify this information:

    Specify the quantity for the UDI information. If with serial number specified, quantity should be 1.

    Specify the GTIN number of the item.
    Specify the lot number for the UDI information.
    Specify the serial number for the UDI information.
    Mfg. Date
    Specify the manufacturing date for the UDI information.
    Exp. Date
    Specify the expiration date for the UDI information
    Tap OK.
  15. Tap the List View icon in Pick Details Screen. The List View screen is displayed.
  16. Tap More Options button to perform Group by Bin, Shipment Line, or Tracking.
  17. Tap Done. The Shipment Summary screen is displayed.
  18. Tap More Options button to Select Label Printer or Select Report Printer.
  19. Tap Save button to save the shipment.
  20. Tap Send button to send a single shipment. The Send Confirmation screen is displayed.
  21. Tap Select button and select multiple shipments to be sent by tapping the check box.
  22. Tap Send button. The Send Confirmation screen is displayed.