Creating Clusters

  1. Select Receiving and Delivery > Picking > Clusters. The Create tab is initially selected and the Create Cluster page is displayed.
  2. Specify this required header information:
    Cluster Name
    Specify the Cluster Name for the cluster.
    Inventory Company
    Select the Inventory Company for the new Cluster.
    Inventory Location
    Select the Inventory Location for the new Cluster.
  3. Click Add in the Requesting Location table. The requesting Location listing pop-up screen is displayed.

    Optionally, specify this information:

    Requesting Company
    Select the Requesting Company to be added to the Cluster.
    Requesting Location
    Select the Requesting Location to be added to the Cluster.
  4. Click Search. The Requesting Locations that meet the criteria are displayed in the listing.
  5. Select the checkbox of the desired requesting location.
  6. Click Add. The Requesting Location listing pop-up screen is closed and the selected requesting location is added to the Requesting Location table in the Create Cluster page.
  7. Click Save. The Create Cluster confirmation screen is displayed.
  8. Click Print to print the created Cluster.