Printing issue reports

Use this procedure to print issue reports.

  1. Access Issues on the Receiving and Delivery menu.
  2. Select Inventory Transactions > Issue Report.

    The Search for Issue for Issue Report page is displayed.

  3. Specify this information:
    Document ID

    Specify the document ID assigned by the system when the stock issue is interfaced to Procurement.

    Inventory Company

    Select the inventory company you want to print the issues report.

    Inventory Location

    Select the inventory location for which you want to print the issues report.

    Requesting Company

    Select the requesting company for which you want to print the issues report.

    Requesting Location

    Select the requesting location for which you want to print the issues report.

    User ID

    Specify the user ID associated with the issues that you want to report on.

    Carrier Tracking Number

    Specify the carrier tracking number associated with the issue that you want to report on.


    Select the status of the issue you want to report on.

    Sync Time

    Specify a date and time range to find issues within the range.

  4. Click Search.

    The Select Issue for Issue Report page is displayed.

  5. Click View Detail in the row of the issue you want to report on.

    The Issue Report page is displayed.

    Note: Optionally, you can resend the Issue transaction if an error is encountered by clicking the Resend button.

    In case of an upload error because of FSM connection issue or FSM service unavailability at the time of handheld submission, click the Resend button to re-process after FSM becomes available.

  6. Click Print Ticket to print the inventory issue ticket for the selected issue.

    The Inventory Issue Ticket page is displayed.

    Select from these options:

    • Search Results - Click to view the search results.

    • Search Again - Click to conduct a new search.

    • Print Ticket - Click to generate the ticket.

    • Cancel - Click to discard all changes.

  7. Click Print to print the inventory issue ticket or Done to close the page.