Vendor management

Vendor management refers to the administration of viewing vendors created in FSM or Infor Lawson Vendor and setting up Mobile Supply Chain only vendors for use with Infor Receiving and Delivery.

Vendors created in FSM or Infor Lawson Vendor

All vendors that are created in FSM or Infor Lawson Vendor will be associated to Accounts Payable. Modifications to FSM or Infor Lawson Vendor can only be completed in FSM or Infor Lawson Vendor. These vendors can also be flagged as Type = Misc. Receiving and/or Carrier.


You can configure all vendors from FSM or Infor Lawson Vendor with an FSM or Infor Lawson Purchasing Vendor record to be automatically flagged as a Misc Receiving Vendor type.

The application default is configured NOT to designate all vendors with an FSM or Infor Lawson Purchasing Vendor record as misc receiving Vendors. To change the default configuration, refer to the Mobile Supply Chain Management and POU Administration Guide.

Vendors created in MSCM

You are still able to create local MSCM vendors, which are only available to be flagged as Misc Receiving & Carrier. Vendors that originate in MSCM and are later created in FSM or Infor Lawson Vendor will sync and become linked vendors.