Modifying the carrier tracking number

  1. Select Modify from the Carrier Tracking Number line on the Configure PO Receiving for Hand Held page. The Configure Setting: Carrier Tracking Number page is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:

    Select to make the company or individual receiving location use the same carrier tracking number setting as the global company.

    Display "Carrier Tracking Number"

    Select to display the carrier tracking number of POs on the handheld PO header screen for the company or individual receiving location.


    This setting is available only if the Inherit field is not selected for the company or individual receiving location.

    Make Required

    Select to require the carrier tracking number be entered on the handheld for POs of the company or individual receiving location.


    This setting is available only if the Inherit field is not selected for the company or individual receiving location, and if the Display "Carrier Tracking Number" setting is selected.


    There are three levels in the hierarchy for these configurable settings:

    • Global company—Settings will to apply to all companies and individual receiving locations within the global company.

    • Company—Settings will apply to the company and all individual receiving locations within the company.

    • Individual receiving location—Settings will apply to only the individual receiving location.