Performing dock logging

  1. Access RAD on the handheld terminal.
  2. From the main menu, select Dock Logging.

    The Enter Receiving Location screen is displayed.

  3. Specify this information:

    Select the company for the dock log that you want to process.


    Select the receiving location for the dock log that you want to process.


    Scanning a location bar code label will select its corresponding Company and Location in the lists.

  4. Tap Continue.

    The Dock Logging screen is displayed

  5. Specify this information:

    Select the package carrier from the list.

    Carrier Tracking Number

    Scan or specify the carrier tracking number from the parcel to add it to the list for the dock log.

    The Count field increments with each entry. Use the Count field to validate against the number of packages on the carrier's manifest.

  6. Tap Done/Print.

    The Dock Log Created screen is displayed.

  7. Tap New Dock Log to specify a new dock log or Exit to return to the RAD main menu.

    If your administrator configured dock logging to automatically print the dock log, then when you tap Done/Print, the dock log prints on the network printer that is assigned to the receiving location.