Adding users from the portal

This procedure allows you to load users from the Portal application. Perform this procedure only if Infor Receiving and Delivery has been installed on the portal.

  1. Select User Management in the Administration menu.
  2. Select Users > Add New from Portal. The Search for a Portal User to Add to Mobile SCM page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information for the search criteria:
    Portal User ID

    Specify the user ID for the portal user that you want to add to Mobile SCM.

    First Name

    Specify the first name for the portal user that you want to add to Mobile SCM.

    Last Name

    Specify the last name for the portal user that you want to add to Mobile SCM.

    Employee ID

    Specify the employee ID for the portal user that you want to add to Mobile SCM.

  4. Click Search. The Select a Portal User to Add to Mobile SCM page is displayed.

    For information about navigating search results, see Navigating search results

  5. Click Add to Mobile SCM to add the portal user. The Add Portal User to Mobile SCM page is displayed.
  6. Specify this information for the search criteria:

    Select the group to which the user is assigned.

    Assign Access

    Click this button to assign user access to locations. See Assigning location access to users for steps on how to assign user access.

    Assign Defaults

    Click this button to set the default locations, printer and revenue center for the user.

  7. Click Add User to add the new user information to the application.

    The Add New User confirmation page shows with the information for the user you added.

  8. Click Search Again to perform a new search or click Cancel to discard the changes.
  9. Click OK to return to the User Management page.