Viewing and printing locations
Use this procedure to view or print location information for single locations.
To view or print locations
- Select Location Management in the Administration menu.
Select Locations > View/Print on the Location Management
The Search for a Location to View/Print page is displayed.
Specify this information for the search criteria:
- Company
Select the company of the location that you want to view or print.
- Location ID
Specify the location ID of the location that you want to view or print.
- Location Description
Specify the description of the location that you want to view or print.
- Location Activities
Select the activities associated with the location that you want to view or print.
Note:To select more than one activity, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting activities.
- Status
Select the activity status of the company that you want to view or print.
- Location Association
Select the association to Procurement of the location that you want to view or print.
Click Search to display all users that fit your search
The Select Location to View/Print page is displayed.
Click View/Print next to the location you want to
view or print.
The View/Print Location page appears.
Specify this information:
Click this button to print the location information.
- View/Print
Click this button to return to the Location Management page.