Finding a case in Point of Use for Department Inventory using the select-case function in Android
On the POU home page, tap the options menu icon.
The POU sidebar panel is displayed.
- Tap Build Case. The Build Case screen is displayed.
- Tap Facility and in the list, select the facility.
- Tap Department and in the list, select the department.
On initial load, tap Use Existing button.
The Case List screen is displayed.
On load with list, tap the search button.
The Case List screen is displayed.
- Tap More Options menu. Select Change Procedure Room and in the list, select the procedure room.
- Tap the Filter button to change the date range of the search. Tap the date to select the date in the pop-up calendar or specify the date manually.
In the list of cases, select the case and click LOAD.
The Build Case screen is displayed.