Adding a case using the handheld in Android

  1. On the POU home page, tap the options menu (three bars) icon.

    The POU sidebar panel is displayed.

  2. Tap Build Case.

    The Build Case screen is displayed.

  3. Tap Facility and in the list, select a facility.
  4. Tap Department and in the list, select a department.
  5. On initial Load - Tap Create New Case.

    On load with list - Tap plus button.

  6. Tap Procedure Room to replace the displayed Procedure Room.

    For information on finding a procedure room, see Finding a procedure room from the handheld in Android.

  7. Tap Practitioner to select a practitioner.

    For more information on finding a practitioner, see Finding a practitioner from the handheld in Android.

  8. Specify the Case ID or leave it blank. If left blank, a Case ID is generated by the system after saving or releasing the case.

    The Case ID is automatically created in uppercase characters.

  9. Tap the date to open the calendar and set the date of the case.

    Adjust the time by using the up and down arrow.

  10. Tap Patient Name to select a patient.
  11. Tap Additional Personnel to add personnel involved in the case.
  12. Tap the plus icon. The New Personnel Screen is displayed
  13. Specify the Name and the Role and Click ADD. The Addtl Personnel screen is displayed. Click Back to update the list.
  14. Tap lookup personnel or search button to search for a personnel. Select Personnel screen is displayed.

    For more information, see Finding a personnel from the handheld in Android.

    Tap ADD.


    To delete a personnel, Tap More Options menu. Select Edit.

    1. To remove a personnel, select the personnel and tap Delete.

    2. To remove multiple personnel, tap More options > Select All > Delete. Tap Clear All to untag all personnel.

  15. Click Save.

    The case is created and is added in the Case List.