Viewing the list of all the scheduled cases for the day using the select-case function in Android
On the POU home page, tap the options menu icon.
The POU sidebar panel is displayed.
Tap Build Case.
The Build Case screen is displayed.
- Tap Facility and select the facility from the list.
- Tap Department and select the department from the list.
On initial load, tap Use Existing.
The Case List screen is displayed.
Tap More Options.
Select Change Procedure Room and select the procedure room in the list.
Tap Filter to change the date range of the search.
Tap the To Date field and select the date today or the same date in the From field. Alternatively, you can change the To Date value by specifying the date manually.
Click Set.
The Case List screen is displayed.All the scheduled cases dated today based on the selected facility, department, and procedure room are displayed in the Case List screen.The total label shows the total number of cases listed. A note showing all the scheduled cases for the day is also displayed.Note: If the additional search parameters are specified in the filter screen, the "All scheduled cases for the day are currently displayed" note is not displayed in the Case List screen.
The case list with additional search parameters does not display the complete list of scheduled cases for the day.